Release Notes

Release Notes - 2020-12-18

## **Notification Requests**
New EndPoints to retrieve the data we would send to the notification Webhook. If you do not have the notification Webhook set, or missed some of our notifications, you may now utilize these endpoints to retrieve these messages.

Settlement Report

In the 202 Accepted response, we now send you the key and the reference for each settlement sent.


The new reconciliation process is now up and running. Please refer to the [Overview](ref:reconciliation-overview) page for further details.

Release Notes - 2020-10-27

## **Common Fields**
The following items where renamed thoughout the API and will have impacts in all of our EndPoints that utilizes them:
  • bankAccount: Replacing the former domicile object with a term more utilized.
  • createdAt: Replacing the former createdDate term, that had a grammatical error.
  • paymentScheme: Replacing the former wallet term, being a more accurate term, and avoiding misunderstandings with the previous term, as wallet has a different use in Financial Systems.

Commercial Establishment Setup

New EndPoint used to create bonds to the Commercial Establishments that are able to have receivables recorded by an acquirer or subacquirer.

Even though it is mandatory to create those bonds, whenever an acquirer or subacquirer sends us a receivable for a Commercial Establishment that they are not bonded to yet, we will automatically create this bond.

  • documentType: Informs the document type of the Commercial Establishment, which can be either a CPF or a CNPJ.
  • documentNumber: Informs the document ID of the Commercial Establishment.
  • paymentSchemes: Informs the payment schemes utilized by the Commercial Establishment.
  • bankAccount: Bank account that will receive the settlements for this Commercial Establishment.
  • branch: Informs the branch.
  • account: Informs the account number of the bank account owner.
  • accountDigit: Informs the digit of the account number of the bank account owner.
  • accountType: Informs the account type.
  • ISPB: Informs the (Identificador de Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro) Brazilian Payment System Identifier.
  • documentType: Informs the document type of the bank account owner.
  • documentNumber: Informs the document ID of the bank account owner.

Request of Commercial Establishment Bonds by Document Number

New EndPoint to verify if a given Commercial Establishment already has a Bond created.
  • documentNumber: Document ID to be verified.

Registration and Update of Receivables

- **processReference:** Should be used as an unique key to identify the lot of receivables sent. May be utilized later on in queries, such as the Request for Agendas Position by Process Reference. - **originalAssetHolderDocumentType:** Informs the document type of the Original Asset Holder which could be a CPF or a CNPJ. - **settlementObligationDate:** Replacing the former **dueDate** term, which bonded a Settlement to a Receivable. A Settlement is bonded to a Settlement Obligation and not a Receivable. - **customFields:** Discontinued object. Its usage has been replaced by the Process Reference.

Requests of Receivable Units and Agendas

These items have been discontinued and have been replaced by Requests of Agendas Position. This is a key modification, which will give acquirers, subacquirers, conciliators and creditors, the information that they actually need to see, instead of everything attached to a Receivable Unit.

Settlement Report

The settlement object has been updated to refer to the settlement of a given Settlement Obligation, no longer a Receivable Unit. Settlements should be reported to an Obligation, since the Obligation date may vary, and the dueDate may not.

Another change is that the Settlement Report is now Asynchronous and you will get a 202 Accepted response followed by a notification with its current status.

Since iZettle does not receive notifications, we advice you to wait for a few minutes and run the Request of Settlement Information by Processing Key EndPoint utilizing the processKey informed to find the information about the recorded settlement.

  • assetHolderDocumentType: Informs the document type of the Asset Holder.
  • assetHolder: Asset Holder that received the settlement.

Release of Agendas Position

The Release of Agendas Position are now set to display data according to the interest of the recipient of the Notifications.

They bring new Objects which will make easier to understand what will be paid and to whom:

  • receivables: Represent the Receivable Units that generated the Settlement Obligations.
  • settlementExpectations: Everything that is expected to be settled in a Financial Active.
  • settlementObligations: All of the financial obligations an acquirer or subacquirer must pay for. Everytime the Asset Holder of a Receivable Unit or part of it is altered, a new Settlement Obligation is created, making it easy to identify all of the Asset Holders and how much each of them needs to get paid.
  • contractObligations: Everytime a Contract is bond to a Financial Active, a Contract Obligation is bond to its respective Settlement Obligation, making it easier to identify to which contracts each Settlement Obligation is bond to and in which order to their Settlement must occur.

Release of Agendas Position to Acquirers, Subacquirers or Conciliators

Acquirers, subacquirers and conciliators will find the information through the original asset holder optics, knowing what do they have to be settled for their customers' actives.

The new EndPoint, along with information about all of its componentes may be found at:

Release of Agendas Position to Creditors

Creditors, on the other hand will find the information through the current asset holder optics, knowing what do their customer have to be settled, independent if their customer is the original asset holder or the current asset holder. Furthermore, they will be able to find what do they have to be settled if they browse their own document ID as the current asset holder.

The new EndPoint, along with information about all of its componentes may be found at:

Position of Agendas - Original Asset Holder

This is a new Request EndPoint that will replace the former Request of Receivable Units and Agendas by parameters.

In this EndPoint the acquirers, subacquirers and conciliators will be able to find all Agendas of a given customer, filtering them by Payment Scheme and/or a range of the Expected Settlement Dates of the Settlement Obligations bound to the customer.

Position of Agendas - Asset Holder

This is a new Request EndPoint that will retrieve all of the Settlements Expectations an Asset Holder has, filtering them by Payment Scheme and/or a range of the Expected Settlement Dates of the Settlement Obligations.

Position of Agendas by Key

This is a new Request EndPoint that will replace the former Request of Receivable Units and Agendas by key.

In this EndPoint the acquirers, subacquirers and conciliators will be able to find a specific Receivable Unit by its key.

Position of Agendas by Reference

In this EndPoint the acquirers, subacquirers and conciliators will be able to find a specific Receivable Unit by its reference, if an unique reference has been registered for each Receivable Unit.

Position of Agendas by Process Reference

This is a new Request EndPoint that will replace the former Request of Agendas by reference.

In this EndPoint the acquirers, subacquirers and conciliators will be able to find all Receivable Units sent in one lot by using its processReference, if an unique processReference has been registered for each lot of Receivable Units.

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